Climate protection in agriculture - link collection

Here you will find practical contributions to the Climate Protection in Agriculture brochure.

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Climate protection in agriculture

Climate protection in agriculture

 Liggraphy (

Agriculture/field fodder

Reduce N fertilization in traffic lanes

Reduce tillage

Forage legumes in crop rotation

Grain legumes in crop rotation

Hedges on field edges on farmland



Adapted N fertilization on arable land/grassland

Soil compaction and traffic

Reduced cultivation of organic soils



Seamless renewal of permanent grassland

Optimize basic feed at the location

Implement milk yield according to location

Animal health and longevity of dairy cows

Pasture share for dairy and fattening cattle



Direct reduction of methane formation in the rumen

Protein-optimized feeding for dairy cows

Protein-optimized feeding for bulls

Phase feeding N-optimized monogastric animals

Certified feed


Manure management

Fermentation of manure in biogas plants

Covering existing manure storage facilities

Ground-level manure spreading


Energy and operations management

Renewable energy sources in operation

Energy efficient field work and machines

Energy efficient building technology

Improve machine utilization

Climate check for agricultural businesses


Analysis of the efficiency of measures to reduce GHG emissions

Fritz Christian (2018 - 2020)