
Children's animal welfare conference participants visit the Bio-Institut

The children's animal protection conference , which is initiated by the state of Styria and carried out association "Tierschutz macht Schule" make children aware needs of animals knowledge of animal protection , which they can then apply and pass on directly in everyday life.

Children's Animal Welfare Conference Group at the Bio-Institut

Children's Animal Welfare Conference Group at the Bio-Institut

 (c) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Through personal experiences and observations , children are given the opportunity to deepen their knowledge. Experiencing the animals' needs directly with all the senses and also the requirements for species-appropriate husbandry conditions strengthens the understanding of sustainable and animal-friendly agriculture and respect for animals as our fellow creatures.


This year, too, a school class, the 1st grade from the NMS Weißenbach an der Enns, visited the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein Organic Institute as part of an excursion under the expert supervision of a certified animal welfare specialist. On behalf of the Bio-Institut, Dr. Elfriede Ofner-Schröck gave interested students insights into agricultural animal husbandry and the needs of agricultural animals in the environment in which they are kept. On June 12, 2024, the students will present their project results and impressions from their excursions at the children's animal protection conference in the Landstube in the Graz Landhaus.


Ofner-Schröck Elfriede, Dr

Dr. Elfriede Ofner-Schröck

Head of Institute for Organic Agriculture & Livestock Biodiversity
Moarhof in Trautenfels