People and animals are the focus of the new EU organic regulation
HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Conference on animal husbandry and pasture management in organic farming

HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Conference on animal husbandry and pasture management in organic farming

ONLINE specialist conference on the topic “Humans and animals at the center of the new EU organic regulation”

With the “Green Deal”, the European Commission is committed to the goal of making agriculture in Europe more environmentally friendly. A central aspect of the concept is to increase the proportion of organic area in the Union territory to 25% by 2030. At the same time, the new Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848 and its implementing regulations will come into force on January 1, 2022. In the EU member states, adjustment steps regarding the legal regulations for organic production are required at the national level, the implementation of which is associated with opportunities and challenges, particularly in connection with organic animal husbandry.

, particularly with regard to pasture management, the Future Space Land network is organizing two online specialist days (09.+ June 10, 2021) on the topic “People and animals at the center of the new EU organic regulation – animal husbandry and pasture management in organic farming ”.

On June 9, 2021, technical dialogue will take place at the national level together with neighboring European countries , the focus of which will be on the topic: What innovations does the EU Organic Regulation 2018/848 bring?

On June 10, 2021 EU forum will take place together with representatives of the European Commission on the topic: EU strategy for organic farming - What prospects do the innovations of the EU Organic Regulation 2018/848 bring for producers? (with simultaneous translation English / German).

The aim of the event is to present the opportunities and challenges with regard to the implementation of the new EU organic regulation in Europe from a practical, advice and control , as well as areas of interpretation of the new legislation and possible solutions and perspectives for practice .

Speakers from Austria and neighboring Central European countries will provide insight into the current status of work to implement the new legislation for animal husbandry and pasture management and, in addition to contributions from research on animal welfare and site-adapted pasture husbandry, also present aspects of occupational safety and traffic safety .

In a final panel discussion on June 10th, practical solutions in accordance with Union law will be discussed together with representatives of the European Commission, with the aim of finding a common approach to best promote organic farming in Europe.

Further information and program:

People and animals at the center of the new EU organic regulation: specialist event on animal husbandry and pasture management in organic farming - Future Space Land Network

as an online conference with mandatory registration until June 7, 2021 When registering, please indicate which day of the event you would like to take part in.

Events - Future Space Land Network