Organic trial cooperation with LfL in Bavaria

    Organic trial cooperation with LfL in Bavaria

    As part of the cooperation with the LfL in Bavaria, , colleagues visited our Bio-Institute location in Lambach/Stadl-Paura. As part of our joint experiments on lentil cultivation, suitable machines for separating the crops are checked in the laboratory. purchased color sorting device last year for precisely these purposes

    By joining forces, the harvest of our colleagues from Bavaria was able to be cleaned to table quality. The cooperation with colleagues from organic research at the LfL in Bavaria, which has been running for several years, has the clear goal of providing farmers in Central Europe with information and knowledge about growing food in the fields.

    This is intended to ensure that companies can react in a timely manner to the nutritional trends emerging in society and are fit for the future. 


    Starz Walter, Dr.

    Dr. Walter Starz

    Organic grassland and agriculture
    Lehner Daniel, DI

    DI Daniel Lehner

    Organic food crops in agriculture

    Research documentation


    Research to promote and improve the cultivation and cultivation techniques of traditional and new crops and species for direct use as food

    Lehner Daniel (2021 - 2025)